Clear Investment Research (CiR)
CiR provides financial planning and investment advisory services to individuals, families, and businesses with retirement plans, endowments, or foundations. We take our years of experience and deep understanding of working with large pension and defined contribution plans and apply the same investment strategies for individuals or families in mitigating investment risk in meeting our clients’ investment goals.
Clear Investment Research, LLC (CiR) is a Registered Investment Adviser with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). CiR does not accept commissions of any kind. We are paid by what is known as a “fee only” business model. This means our revenue does not change with the products used in our client’s portfolios. The benefit to our clients is there is no product bias in our recommendations, which are based on independent research and sound investment principles, not on product compensation. When hired for investment advisory services, these services are performed in a fiduciary capacity where we proudly act in our clients’ best interests.
We are one of the few financial planning and investment advisory firms with a clear succession plan in place. When hired by clients they tell us this was an important criterion in their decision in choosing CiR over our competitors.
CiR maintains Cyber Security and E&O insurance policies as an added benefit for our clients.
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284 S. Main Street
Suite 900
Alpharetta, GA 30009